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Function Migration Progress

  • DONE: 16
  • PENDING: 5
  • TODO: 35


  • DONE binToHex
  • DONE hexToBin
  • DONE base64UrlEncode
  • DONE base64UrlDecode
  • DONE base64UrlEncodeArr
  • DONE base64UrlDecodeArr
  • DONE strToUint8Array
  • DONE uint8ArrayToStr
  • DONE hash
  • DONE hashBin
  • DONE genKeyPair
  • DONE restoreKeyPairFromSecretKey
  • DONE sign
  • DONE signHash
  • DONE verifySig
  • DONE toTweetNaclSecretKey


  • PENDING createSendRequest:
    • Omitted, it just wrapped a list of Commands into the expected format for the /send endpoint. ISendRequestBody type created instead.
  • DONE prepareContCommand:
    • Puts together and signs a continuation payload Command.
  • DONE prepareExecCommand:
    • Puts together and signs an exec payload Command.
  • PENDING createCommand:
    • Puts together a Command type from a list of signatures and a stringified payload. Also checks that the signatures are for correct hash.
    • Pending for renaming, formally mkSingleCmd.
  • DONE createContCommand:
    • A wrapper for a mkPublicSend and prepareContCmd call. Could potentially be omitted.
  • DONE createExecCommand:
    • A wrapper for a mkPublicSend and prepareExecCmd call. Could potentially be omitted.
  • PENDING createLocalCommand:
    • Wrapper for prepareExecCmd. The request type for local endpoint is just a single Command. Could be omitted, but the naming here does provides extra clarity.
  • DONE createPollRequest:
    • Prepares a /poll endpoint request type (i.e. a list of request keys) from a {cmds: [Command]} type (i.e. the type of the /send endpoint). Ignore naming/docs that imply the Command should have an exec payload.
  • DONE createListenRequest:
    • Prepares a /listen endpoint request type. Similar to createPollRequest, but only uses the first request key.
  • DONE attachSignature:
    • API Helper function that attaches signed or unsigned signature from a keypair and stringified payload.
  • DONE pullAndCheckHashs:
    • API Helper function maps through signatures and make sure that the signatures are signing the same hash and pulls the hash.
  • DONE pullSignature:
    • API Helper function that pulls signature only object from signature with hash object {hash, pubKey, sig}
  • DONE pullSigner:
    • API Helper function that pulls public key and capability list if it exists.


  • PENDING mkExp
  • PENDING mkMeta
  • PENDING mkCap:
    • Returns a SigningCap, which contains a regular Pact capability and some added fields consumed by chainweaver.


  • PENDING send
  • TODO local
  • TODO poll
  • TODO listen
  • TODO spv


  • TODO sign:
    • Sends an enriched Command payload to the signing API of the Chainweaver wallet.
  • TODO sendSigned:
    • Very similar to fetch.send function, but expects a single Command instead of a list of them. Could be omitted.
  • DONE createCap
    • Returns a SigningCap, which contains a regular Pact capability and some added fields consumed by chainweaver.


  • TODO current:
    • Queries a chainweb node's /cut endpoint. Uses retry.


  • TODO range:
    • Calls the blocks function, which eventually calls branchPage function.
  • TODO recent:
    • Similar to event.range, but calls recentBlocks instead.
  • TODO stream
  • TODO height:
    • Similar to range but filters for a specific block height.
  • TODO blockHash:
    • Queries blockByBlockHash and filters for the events produced by that block.


  • DONE mkCap:

    • Similar to pact-lang's mkCap function, but this one creates a regular Pact capability.
  • TODO mkMeta:

    • Identical to pact-lang's mkMeta. Can be omitted.
  • TODO mkSignerCList:

    • Returns the capability and signer's public key in the format expected in the signers field of SigBuilder.
  • TODO mkSignerGas:

    • Calls mkSignerCList with gas capability.
  • TODO mkSignerUnrestricted:

    • Similar to mkSignerCList but without caps (hence an unrestricted signer).
  • TODO mkExecPayload:

    • Prepares an exec payload for the cmd field of the SigData type.
  • TODO mkContPayload:

    • Prepares a continuation payload for the cmd field of the SigData type.
  • TODO mkSigData

  • util:

    • TODO gasCap: Gas capability.
    • TODO addGasCap:
      • Adds a gas capbility to a list of capabilities. Uses gasCap.
    • TODO mergeSigners:
      • Combines multiple signer arrays created by the mkSigner* functions. Used by SigBuilder.
    • TODO autoCreationTime:
      • Gets the system's local time in the format expected by creation-time fields in transactions.
    • TODO autoNonce:
      • Stringifies the current date as an easy way to set a default nonce.
    • TODO pubKeysFromSigners:
      • Gets public key from signers created by mkSigner* functions.
  • ex:

    • TODO execCmdExample1:
      • Creates an example exec transaction that can be sent to the wallet for signing. Could be omitted.
    • TODO contCmdExample1:
      • Creates an example continuation transaction that can be sent to the wallet for signing. Could be omitted.
  • debug

    • DONE toggleDebug: Omitted.


(1) Auto detection of network versions


(A) When querying a chainweb node, the server expects the endpoint to have a specific format. For example:


In the above, 0.0 represents the node API Version and could change later on. Also, development represents the version of Chainweb that the node is running. Other possible values are testnet04 and mainnet01. Both of these pieces of information is returned by querying the /info endpoint. For example:


(B) The Chainweb node version (i.e. development) is a required field in a transaction's payload. An error is thrown if the network specified in the transaction payload does not match the network version specified in the endpoint prefix (i.e. ../0.0/development/chain..).

It is an error prone user experience to have users pass along a node's version information along with the hostname, especially if this information is easily autodected.


Doug outlines an approach in KadenaPorcelain where network (i.e. pact-server, Chainweb mainnet, Chainweb testnet) and other version specific data (i.e. Chainweb's 0.0 version) is autodetected. This is done by querying the /info endpoint for Chainweb nodes and the /version endpoint for pact-server.

This network and version information is then passed to functions that construct transactions and functions that call the different Pact API endpoints.

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